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Other publications

5. 김성현, “미생물연료전지” (in Korean), Chemical World, 45, 24-32, 2005.

4. Sunghyun Kim, “Electrochemical Interfaces probed by X-ray absorption fine structure: Applications to iron phthalocyanine and iron oxide systems for the structural investigation”, Journal of Basic Sciences 28, 13-17, 2003.

3. 김성현, “X-ray Absorption Fine Structure를 이용한 나노입자의 특성분석”, Synchrotron Radiation Science & Technology, 2002, 9(3), 8

2. 김성현, “In situ EXAFS를 이용한 전극계면의 이해”, Synchrotron Radiation Science & Technology, 2001, 8(3), 13

1. 김성현, “Synchrotron Radiation을 이용한 원자수준에서의 전극표면의 연구” (in Korean), Chemical World, 35, 41-43, 1995.

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